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All about the tiny, but mighty Serama!


The tiny Serama Chicken

Seramas, small chickens that stand only 6-10 inches tall, have a distinctive upright posture. Their chests are thrust out, heads held high, and tail feathers are attentively held. The short back leaves almost no space between the neck and tail feathers, which are held almost vertically and rise above the head.

Their long wings should almost touch the ground when held upright. The muscular shoulders are set high to accommodate the wings.

The small head features a single comb and red to blue earlobes. The eye color is bay red, and the beak is short but stout. The legs are clean and muscular, with yellow and sometimes black shanks.

Seramas come in various colors, including black, white, and orange. However, they are not bred for color, so the color palette can be widely variable, and they may not breed true to color.

Seramas are great for beginners, friendly with children, and can live up to 7 years with proper care. They are excellent foragers and enjoy free-ranging. They often go broody and make excellent breeders. Hens are also very good mothers and lay the tiniest eggs, some as small as an extra-large jelly bean.




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